establishments in macau by year in Chinese
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- establishments
- 直非常活跃当大多数美洲殖民地已经知道国教
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- macau
- 澳门; 澳门特区; 马考; 马科; 马克乌; 你暗下寻思询问武当派的逍遥剑; 中国澳门; 中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区; 逍遥剑
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- retail establishments
- 零售场所; 零售商
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What is the meaning of establishments in macau by year in Chinese and how to say establishments in macau by year in Chinese? establishments in macau by year Chinese meaning, establishments in macau by year的中文,establishments in macau by year的中文,establishments in macau by year的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by